Read More: Spotify and Apple: Face Off Qualcomm requested a charge of $1.41 on each iPhone that infringes on its technology and that was the amount approved to be paid after the court ruled in their favour. This case was preceded over by Judge Dana Sabraw and is part of an ongoing legal tussle between both parties. Apple’s counsel, Juanita Brooks, argued that the real motivation behind the lawsuit is retaliation for Apple ending the exclusive relationship since 2011 with Qualcomm by bringing Intel on board in 2016 as another chip supplier. However, after the ruling was declared in Qualcomm’s advantage, Don Rosenberg, Qualcomm’s executive vice president, and general counsel on this case made this statement; What matters most here is not even the money considering the fact that both companies spent millions in legal fees but the victory which asserts that Qualcomm intellectual property is invaluable. In addition, it builds a reputation for Qualcomm as a credible innovator as far as mobile technology is concerned. This verdict, however, is a good foot forward in an even bigger case coming next month between the two companies involving royalty payment over Qualcomm’s patent running into billions of dollars. Also See: Qualcomm vs Apple: What’s that all about?

How it all started…

The bad blood stems from allegations leveled up against Qualcomm in 2017 by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) aided by Apple, accusing the company of monopolistic practices that prevented other competition from thriving. That case was concluded in January and the Judge’s verdict is yet to be known. Also, it was Apple declared that Qualcomm’s royalty rate is an inhibition to healthy competition and sometimes covers patents that it has nothing to do with.


Going forward, this is might affect how your iPhone is made as well as its pricing. While the next stage of the legal battle is much important, this is a win nonetheless. The next legal battle is worth much more and is one of the key source of revenue for Qualcomm marking a pivotal impact in future dealings.