This was one of the advantages that iOS and Windows had over Android; they had default security apps that actually worked. For whatever reasons Google is late to this party, we are glad they finally arrived. There are many reasons why smartphone users worry about security and even though I cannot list them all, being able to operate your phone remotely is important.

Most smartphones are expensive and losing them to a thief can be a very big inconvenience and set back that Google and manufacturers need to take note of. No one wants to lose their phone! In the process of life things happen… we forget phones on the bus, in a taxi and wherever else. Phones will always get lost yet we still want to be in control of the phone or device or at least what they contain even when they are not in our reach After many years with your phone, there’s a lot of memories created through photos and Videos taken that no one would want to let go being able to safely store those memories or making sure they don’t land in the wrong hands becomes important to a user We all have a privacy we want to maintain and wouldn’t want our data and information in the hands of a stranger or worse still the wrong hands because we lost our phone In Uganda tracking your phone with the help of the police is for lack of better word nauseating or in simpler terms more expensive than your device itself  so an inbuilt Finder comes as a Savior

According to the Official Android Blog, ADM will locate and ring your misplaced device even if its in silent, locate your phone on Google Maps in real time or in the last resort wipe your device’s data if you fail to find it. As much as we appreciate Google’s efforts, these are some of the features we would expect ADM to have. True, Android is late to the party. But at least it’s the right party! This is something that the Telecoms should have been delivering to mobile subscribers, but once again Operating System vendors are proving to be more relevant at delivering value added services to mobile users. Google’s product simplicity and user experience is undisputed, but we shall have to wait and see what the device manager will have for us.   Image: Venturebeat